Digital Dental X-Rays, Their Procedure, Purpose & Types

Digital Dental X-Rays, Their Procedure, Purpose & Types

Aug 01, 2022

Different dental issues necessitate the dentist to recommend a digital dental x-ray be performed. Some of these dental issues include tooth decay, root canal infection, and bone loss in the jaw, among other dental problems. These images are essential as they will help the dentist identify the problem and recommend a suitable treatment plan for your condition.

There are different digital dental x-rays that can be performed, and this article will take a closer look at each type and help you know their purpose and how digital x-rays are performed.

Why are Digital Dental X-Rays Performed?

It is imperative to note that there are factors that affect how often your dentist can recommend a dental x-ray to be performed. Some of these factors include your current oral health if you have symptoms of the oral disease if you’ve had a history of recurrent gum diseases or tooth decay, and your age.

However, the dentist can also recommend an x-ray if there are no previous digital x-rays of your teeth. This procedure is done regularly on kids more than on adults as dentists require to monitor the growth and health of their teeth and curb any disease that might affect their oral health in the future.

This is essential as our dentist in Chino, CA may recommend tooth extraction to prevent the spread of the disease or bacteria to healthy teeth.

Therefore, the purpose of digital dental x-rays is to examine the condition of teeth and come up with a recommendation that can treat an issue if there is any and prevent other dental issues from arising in the future.

Risks of Dental X-rays

Before looking at what goes on during an x-ray procedure, it is essential to know the risks associated with this type of dental process:

  • First, dentists recommend that pregnant women or women who believe they are pregnant should steer away from any kind of x-ray. This is because the radiation produced by the x-ray machine can harm the developing fetus.
  • In addition to that, digital dental x-rays are regarded as safer than the traditional film x-rays as digital x-rays are viewable in seconds meaning your body is exposed to radiation for a shorter period than the traditional x-ray.

What is the Procedure of Digital Dental X-Ray?

  • Prior to your dental x-ray, it is vital that you brush your teeth as this creates a more hygienic environment for the dentist that will be working on your mouth.
  • This is because x-rays are done before cleanings and therefore brushing your teeth before leaving the house is essential.
  • When you get to the dental clinic, you will sit on a chair that has a lead vest that crosses your lap and chest.
  • The x-ray device is positioned above your head to take images of your mouth.
  • There are dental clinics that have a different room for performing x-rays, while for others, the procedure is performed in the same room where extractions and cleanings are done.
  • The x-ray machine takes images of your mouth, which are then recorded in a computer from which your dentist will study your teeth.

What Are the Types of Dental X-Rays?

Here are the types of dental x-rays:

Periapical X-Ray

The first type of dental x-ray we will look at is a periapical x-ray. This type of x-ray shows the whole tooth. The images taken from a periapical x-ray show the crown, tooth root, and where the tooth attaches to the jaw.

Occlusal X-Rays

Next, there is an occlusal x-ray, and this type tracks the growth and placement of an entire jaw of teeth: either the lower or upper jaw.

Bitewing X-Rays

There is also a bitewing x-ray, and this shows the details of the lower and upper teeth in one section of the mouth. A bitewing image shows the tooth from its exposed surface to the level supporting it. The advantage of this type of x-ray is that it can detect any changes in the thickness of the jaw bone brought by gum disease and decay between teeth.

In addition, the dentist in Ramona Dentistry of Chino can carry out a bitewing x-ray to determine the proper fit of a crown or dental bridge. On top of that, a bitewing x-ray can show if the dental filling applied has worn out.

Visit a Dentist Near You

Are you looking for dental x-rays near Chino Hills? Call us now or book your appointment with Ramona Dentistry for getting digital x-rays in Chino, CA!

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