Foods That Can Stain Your Teeth
Feb 28, 2017
Tea is known to be a drink with many health benefits from helping people lose weight to helping others sleep better. Many people rely on tea as a calming, relaxing drink. Many others choose it as an alternative to coffees or sodas. The problem with teas is that they are not so healthy for your teeth. The basic black varieties of tea are the worst offenders. Black teas can actually cause more staining damage to the teeth than coffee. Herbal and white teas tend to wear away more enamel on your teeth, but can also cause stains even if they are lighter in colors.
Many people like
sauces that go on their foods also known as condiments. Who doesn’t? But going easy on those sauces may do more than just saving you unwanted sugar and calories in your diet. Going easy on the sauces and condiments may also benefit your teeth by not staining them as deeply as those who go heavy-handed on the condiments. This is especially true of darker-colored sauces like soy, tomato, or curry-based sauces. To save the impact on the teeth, use lighter-colored sauces and brush when done eating.
Acidic foods and drinks can also affect your teeth. Some of the main offenders of this include energy and sports drinks often packed with extra sugars that can cause stains and also erode enamel. Water is the best choice for your teeth during workouts. Wine is also another issue, especially red wine which can stain teeth. White wine, however is also very acidic and can cause damage, too. Sodas are also another one that can damage teeth. The acids and dyes are usually darker-colored, which can stain teeth, and the sugars can ruin enamel as sodas are one of the drinks highest in sugars. If you were looking to give up soda to whittle your waistline, you can also do it to help save your teeth!
Fruit is another thing many people think is good for them, and it is! But it may not be as good for teeth. Especially darker-colored fruits like blueberries, blackberries, cherries, pomegranates, etc. that can leave darker stains on teeth. Same can be said for juices, even whole 100% fruit juices, that are dark in color. Eating or drinking such foods can soften the enamel and wear it away over time.
Candy and sweets, besides being terrible for you, also can wreck some havoc on the teeth. The worst candies are the ones that change the color of your tongue. If they have that much dye in them they can also stain your teeth if they stain your tongue.
One way to lessen stains on your teeth is to cut back gradually on
things with a lot of sugar. Cut down the amount the energy drinks, sports drinks, sodas, and other sugary beverages you consume. If you must consume such drinks use a straw to do so to ensure the liquid doesn’t sit in your mouth as long as it otherwise would. Sip more water. Eat more vegetables, and consume fruits more moderately since they do have health benefits as well. Eat and sweets sparingly, one or two times per week. Brush after you are through with the sugary foods at meals.
Once you are done with foods or drinks that cause stains then brush your teeth soon thereafter. Swish your mouth with water immediately when done eating, then soon as you can brush your teeth after that meal. Keep the sugars from settling in on your teeth too long to minimize stains as well as the enamel that can be worn away from those foods sitting there over time.
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contact us or call us at 909-465-1016.
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