Why You Need a Second Opinion on Dental Diagnoses

Why You Need a Second Opinion on Dental Diagnoses

Mar 15, 2017

If you are informed of major dental problems that need fixed, but you are not necessarily ready to undergo a massive amount of dental work or are not sure whether the work even needs done or not, what are you to do? The best option in that case is usually to get a second opinion before making major health decisions. In that case, go with your gut that is probably correct as to doing what is best for you.

Remember that seeking a second opinion is never wrong. Even the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends it if you feel unsure. There is no one rule for which exact procedures should get a second opinion, or which ones shouldn’t. While you really don’t need an opinion for every tiny little cavity you come across, for bigger procedures that are more invasive and costly it is usually a good idea.

Some situations in which it is likely appropriate to get a second opinion include when your dentist diagnoses a major problem like oral cancer. If the problem is that massive, or life-altering, a second opinion is wide. When past dental work seems to have failed, and more work is going to need to be done. You want to find out why that work failed, and what will be different this time. Seek a second opinion if you are not sure about the diagnosis that you have been given, or you are not sure if your current dentist is not qualified to perform the procedure they are recommending you receive. If you have poor rapport with your dentist, a second opinion may be vital to finding someone you trust to carry out the procedure could be vital to having the procedure done properly.

The benefits of all second opinions include the fact that different dentists are trained in different backgrounds. You may find alternate treatments available. A second opinion can also confirm if you need to see a specialist to have a procedure or not. Moreover, other dentists may have more experience with the condition you have been diagnosed with, and they may be able to provide the best insight to the diagnosis and treatment you need. Finding the next person to give that second opinion is the next challenge.

If you are looking for someone to provide a second opinion there are several ways to go about this. If you have a good relationship with your current dentist, you can always ask for trusted colleague of theirs to seek a second opinion from. Ask others to know about what qualified dentists they use and what their contact information is so you can reach out for a second opinion of your own. Call a local dental society to have names and contact information for highly-recommended dentists in your area provided to you. If you leave near a dental school(s) or training facility they may able to recommend someone as well.

Be sure to always call your insurance company to ensure any dentist you want to visit for a second opinion will be covered by your dental insurance. There may be steps you and your current dentist must take to ensure the second opinion visit will be covered. Understand what these steps are, and make sure to cover all your bases before seeing another dentist for a second opinion. Otherwise, you may have the potential for a very expensive second opinion on your hands.

If you find someone’s second opinion, then be sure to ask the key questions to ensure you choose the best option for you. These questions include if the original diagnosis your dentist provided is correct. You also want to know what the treatment options are that will be available to you given the condition you have. You want to know how much each option will cost how long the results will be expected to last as well as how many treatments it will take to complete the job. You want to know how it will improve your dental health as well. 

If you’d like a free second opinion from us simply contact us or call 909-465-1016 and we’ll give you a risk-free honest assessment.

The Ramona Dentistry Team

“Where Family Comes First”

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