Have you scheduled your first visit with us at Ramona Dentistry in Chino, CA? You may be wondering what exactly to expect at our dental office and during your first dental appointment with us. At Ramona Dentistry we strive to provide a modern, welcoming and relaxing environment for the whole family. We focus on cleanliness, safety and providing exceptional dental care.
What to Expect
When you enter Ramona Dentistry you will be greeted by our friendly and compassionate team and provided with a tour of our Chino dental office. Next we will begin your first appointment, you can expect:
- An in-depth discussion about your dental history, dental needs and ultimate smile desires and goals to better understand you and provide the best treatment possible.
- A thorough, comprehensive dental examination of your teeth, gums, tongue, lips and mouth to determine your oral health and create a personalized dental treatment plan.
- Oral cancer screening of your entire mouth to determine any risks or signs.
- Digital imaging to give an alternative view and help in the diagnostics of any dental complications such as decay.
Depending upon what is found during your first appointment, additional visits and dental treatments may be recommended. We will explain your condition and any possible treatment options so that you can make an educated and informed decision.
Have you scheduled your first visit at our Chino dental office? If not, give our office a call today! We’re always happy to accept new patients and look forward to meeting you.