7 Steps for a Healthy Smile

7 Steps for a Healthy Smile

Mar 06, 2017

The famous quote was coined in the 1730s that stated “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure”. That could be more true when stated about the dental field. This statement particularly applies to Chino and dental health. Prevention is the biggest thing you can do to keep your smile healthy and happy. Get to the problems before they occur, or prevent them early and they are likely to never become a huge issue. Here are 7 steps you can take between semi-annual appointments and cleanings to help ensure your teeth are in top condition at all times:

  1. Brush Your Teeth Regularly (Daily): Make it a habit using the “2-2 Rule”. That means 2x/a day for 2 minutes at a time. Teach it to your children so they develop the same good habits you teach. Make sure the toothbrush and toothpaste you use are American Dental Association (ADA) approved. They will clean your teeth best.
  2. Follow Up By Flossing (Daily): Make sure you floss your teeth every evening before you go to bed so that your teeth don’t have food sitting in between them chewing through the enamel and into the tooth or gum-line while you sleep. Floss before you brush. It keeps your gums healthier too.
  3. Wear A Mouth Guard: When playing any Chino city or local school/area recreational sport that requires physical contact make sure to wear a certified mouth guard during the action. This includes any activities like wrestling, football, or hockey to name a few. This prevents you from biting your tongue (severely), clacking your teeth together, and on some of the most brutal hits/contact to help avoid concussions.
  4. Nix Smoking: If you are a smoker this is yet another reason to kick the habit! The chemicals in smoking are horrible for your oral health, can cause oral cancers, gum disease, and speed up the rotting of teeth.
  5. Avoid Oral Piercings: Yes, it’s a new Chino trend, but avoid oral piercings at all costs. Piercings of the tongue or lips can get infected, the metal can rub on teeth/gums, and bacteria can grow around the piercing and cause infections. The oral health risks are not worth the metal hanging out of your tongue or mouth and the “in” look that it provides.
  6. Choose Better Snacks: Stay away from snacks that are high in sugars and starches. Those are foods such as candies or cookies, chips, pretzels, pies, cakes, etc. If you choose to consume them occasionally (i.e. 3-4 times a week or so) brush your teeth or rinse with water after to keep the sugars and starches from eating through your teeth and doing permanent damage afterwards.
  7. Schedule Regular Dental Visits: Finally, be sure to schedule your semi-annual cleanings to ensure that if there are any gum diseases or tooth decay/cavities/infections that you are catching these early enough before serious damage is done.
If you have any questions regarding this article please contact us or call us at 909-465-1016 The Ramona Dentistry Team “Where Family Comes First”
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