Guide to Creating Your Own Oral Healthcare Plan

Guide to Creating Your Own Oral Healthcare Plan

Apr 05, 2017

Good oral health means more than just brushing your teeth every day. There are steps everyone can be following to ensure premium oral health and less problems down the road. Here are some tips and tricks on some of those steps:

  1. Understand Your Personal Oral Health: be sure to mention any key medical conditions or needs you have to your dentist/hygienist so they can take the best care of you possible. Mentioning things like braces/retainers/etc. can help the dentist ensure they cater to your needs when cleaning your teeth. Other serious health problems like tooth decay or past issues with periodontitis or bacterial infections may also require additional dental treatment, so be sure to mention those things. This ensures you get the best care and cleaning possible to keep your smile healthy and happy.
  2. Develop a Daily Health Routine: any special conditions that you have such as pregnancies or diabetes or other bacterial infections that may be require extra care should be incorporated into your daily routine. Develop a routine that is easy to follow and stick doing it each day. Discuss the conditions you may have with your dentist to come up with the best plan that’s right for you.
  3. Use Fluoride. The fluoride treatments at the dentist can help children and adults alike keep their teeth strong and healthy. Check with your local water company to see if the fluoride levels in the water are adequate, and if not contact your dentist about fluoride treatments. Also, be sure to use toothpastes and mouthwashes fortified with fluoride for the best results.
  4. Brush, Floss, & Rinse Daily: Develop a daily routine that includes brushing 2-3x (more if your dentist instructs you to do so), flossing every evening, and rinsing your mouth with at least water after meals. This helps avoid buildup of plaque and tartar around the teeth and gums from leftover food that sits in the mouth between meals or overnight. Also, it helps keep the enamel protected from foods that can eat through it and cause cavities or decay. Also, using antibacterial mouth wash can help keep the food from growing plaque and tartar in your mouth as well.
  5. Eat A Balanced, Healthy Diet & Limit Snacking When Possible. Avoid snacks that are high in sugars and carbohydrates often as possible. Limit snacking on foods like cookies, cake, candies, desert breads, and other foods that cause more acidic enzymes to be produced in the mouth and when you do eat those foods either brush your teeth or chew sugarless gum to remove the excess food afterwards.
  6. Quit Using Tobacco Products. If you smoke, use cigars, or chew smokeless tobacco quit now. Tobacco is harmful to your teeth and gums and can cause added or speedier decay and corrosion of otherwise healthy teeth and gums.
  7. Know Your Own Mouth. Know how your own mouth looks and feels. If you experience gashes, cuts, lesions, growths, or pain in your mouth call your dentist immediately for examination. This can help catch any problems, and stem them before they become serious and long-lasting.
  8. Visit Your Dentist At Least 2x Per Year. Avoid any extra problems by visiting your dentist regularly and ensuring your teeth are not compromised, and if any problems arise you catch them before they get out of hand.
If you have questions regarding this article contact us or call 909-465-1016. The Ramona Dentistry Team “Where Family Comes First”
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