Consider Dental Bonding to Conceal Minor Imperfections with Your Teeth

Do you have minor chips and cracks on your teeth of a discolored tooth? The imperfections can embarrass you when you try to smile before your friends or family members. However, these dental imperfections affect practically everyone, and there is no reason for you to suffer embarrassment. Instead, you must visit the Narod dentist providing dental bonding to hide the imperfections with your teeth.

Dental bonding is a procedure of using soft composite resin to fix minor chips and cracks on your teeth. The composite resin is flexible, enabling the dentist to shape and polish it to any shade. After the dentist is happy with the results, they use ultraviolet light to harden the composite resin and set it.

Why May You Need Dental Bonding?

Dental bonding fixes defects and imperfections within a tooth, and many people are using the bonding solution to repair decayed, crack, and discolored teeth. The bonding procedure also helps close tiny gaps between the teeth.

If you want to increase the tooth’s size, the dentist near you can help you achieve your goal using dental bonding. You may want to increase the size because you have a tooth that is shorter than the rest. Dental bonding is a speedy procedure requiring no downtime. You can continue with your regular everyday routine after the process if you don’t need local anesthesia when undergoing dental bonding.

What Should You Do If You Need Dental Bonding?

Start by scheduling an appointment with the tooth bonding dentist for a consultation. The dental bonding procedure may not be appropriate for you if you have severe tooth decay or damage. Veneers or crowns are better options in such circumstances. Besides the above, you need no other preparation before getting dental bonding to hide your teeth’ imperfections.

How Are Your Teeth Bonded?

The dental bonding procedure is simple than other cosmetic dental procedures and does not require any anesthesia unless you want to have cavities filled. You can accomplish the dental bonding procedure in one visit to dental bonding in Chino, CA, if you merely need a couple of teeth bonded.

A shade guide helps the tooth bonding dentist select the composition and color closely matching your natural teeth. The dentist roughens the targeted tooth’s surface with an etching liquid that allows the composite resin to stick to the tooth. The composite resin is applied over the etching liquid by the dentist before molding and shaping the tooth and hardening it with ultraviolet light. If required, the dentist can further alter the shape of the tooth after the resin hardens.

Risks of Dental Bonding

Although no significant risks are associated with dental bonding, you must bear in mind that the composite resin used for bonding your teeth is not as durable as your natural teeth. The bonding material can chip or separate from your natural tooth. This particular problem is not familiar with crowns, veneers, or fillings. A bonded tooth can chip if you eat ice, chew on pens or pencils, bite your fingernails, or have food and candy.

The composite resin material is not as stain-resistant as other cosmetic variants. If you frequently smoke or drink coffee, you can develop discoloration on the tooth.

What Are the Costs of Dental Bonding?

The costs of dental bonding vary according to your location, the extent of the procedure, and the dentist’s experience. However, you can expect to pay approximately $300 – $600 per tooth, and the bonding will need replacements every five to ten years. Dental bonding is a cosmetic procedure and unlikely to receive coverage from dental insurers. Therefore it makes sense to check with your dental insurance provider before scheduling an appointment for bonding your teeth.

How to Care for Your Bonded Teeth?

Caring for your bonded teeth helps prolong their life and safeguard your investment. You can use the following tips when caring for your bonded teeth.

  • Brush your teeth two times a day and floss daily.
  • Avoid hard foods and candy besides biting your fingernails.
  • During the initial 48 hours after bonding your teeth, avoid coffee, tea, and tobacco for fear of staining the tooth.
  • Schedule regular appointments with your dentist for cleanings and exams.

Should the bonding material break or feel any sharp, rough edges of the procedure, you can see your dentist correct the problem.

A healthy smile boosts your confidence. If you have dental imperfections and want an inexpensive repair option, you must see the dentist mentioned in this blog for a consultation. The dentist determines whether bonding is the appropriate procedure for you and, if not, recommends alternatives to enhance the appearance of your teeth.

Still confused about the purpose of dental bonding in Chino, CA? Call us now to book a consultation with our dentist near you and learn more about dental bonding. Our dentist also welcome patients residing in Narod, Pomona, Russian Village District, Ontario, North Pomona, Upland, Rolling Ridge, Chino, Ballou, and nearby communities.

Invisalign: The Magic Braces

To get an Invisalign, visit an invisible braces dentist. Invisalign is made of special plastics manufactured in the company’s facilities (Invisalign is produced by a company called Invisalign) and each Invisalign is fashioned according to the molds in one’s mouth. The aligners used in making Invisalign, though made of plastic, are strong enough to perform the purpose which they are made for – exerting pressure on a specific part or parts of the teeth to slowly correct their position and put them in the right place.

Invisalign uses clear aligners that are almost invisible to the eyes. Visit a dentist near you to if you cannot find an invisible braces dentist. The dentist can help to examine your teeth, your grin and other impressions of your mouth, and your oral health in general. After the examination, the dentist will send specific information about your mouth to Invisalign, then Invisalign used this information to make custom aligners for your mouth. Invisalign can be likened to a drug for an ailment, this means that the company is only responsible for making the aligners available. Your dentist will oversee every other treatment process and help you get the Invisalign fixed in your teeth to achieve the intended result.

Invisalign trays are usually very easy to remove which means if you need to do something, say to eat, floss your teeth, brush or do other things, you can easily take them off and wear them again when you are done. However, for the trays to be effective, it is recommended that a person wears them for at least 20 hours a day. Since they are designed to correct the position of the teeth, the trays are usually replaced after seven to fourteen days. This is because, at this time, it is expected that the tray must have made a correction and has reached its limit. A new one is given to the patient and this new one will be different from the last in the sense that its correction will begin from where the last one stopped. Constantly, a person will have to be changing the trays till the teeth have been moved to their right position.

Note that Invisalign trays are braces and not retainers because they help to move the teeth to give the mouth and jaw a correct shape, unlike retainers that just help to hold the teeth in place.

Advantages of Invisalign

If you want to get Invisalign in Chino, you will require only a few visits to the dentist’s office. Also, Invisalign trays are a more comfortable way of repositioning the teeth than braces and it does not take so long for the treatment to be completed. One general advantage of Invisalign trays is that it uses clear aligners which can be hard to see even when you smile. Remember that you can also remove the tray when you need to do eat, brush, floss, or do something else with your mouth.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

Invisalign has several perks, but this does not excuse it from having certain drawdowns. The treatment process that involves using Invisalign is more expensive compared to using braces which makes it unaffordable for an average person. Also, the trays can get broken or lost which can elongate the time used for the treatment and also cost more. Lastly, people using Invisalign trays might experience a little discomfort and aches in some parts of the body.

Invisalign Cost

The cost of treating crooked teeth and other tooth-related issues with Invisalign trays depends on the degree of damage done to the teeth. Teeth that are damaged will take a lot of time to correct and this will cost more to change over time. However, the Invisalign company charges around $3000 – $7000 for Invisalign trays which is more expensive than traditional trays which cost $2000 – $6000.

If you are planning for teeth straightening treatment and still confused between traditional braces and Invisalign, call us right now to book an appointment with our dentist near you and learn more about the benefits of the treatment. If you are residing in Chino, Chino Hills, Rolling Ridge, Phillips Ranch, Pomona, Sunsweet, West Francis Street, Cucamonga Valley, and surrounding communities, you can also visit our dental clinic near you.

Types of Dental Fillings and Taking Care of Them

With advancements in dental practice and dental care, tooth decay remains the most common dental problem that affects both children and adults. If tooth decay is not properly taken care of or treated in time, it may lead to tooth loss or abscessed gum. That’s why it is important to visit your dentist near you at least twice a year for them to conduct oral exams to detect earlier signs of tooth decay. They can prevent it by using dental sealants or treat them before they spread.

Definition of a dental filling

A dental filling is a type of treatment for tooth decay to restore its functioning and shape and prevent further decay or damage. Fillings also repair broken, chipped, or cracked teeth that may have been worn down from misuse, such as tooth grinding or nail-biting.

Types of dental fillings

There are different types of fillings available at our dental fillings in Chino, CA. Your dentist will consider the size of the decay, the location of your tooth, any allergies to the filling, and how much it will cost before recommending any dental filling. The following are some of the available choices:

  • Silver Amalgam fillings

These types of fillings are relatively inexpensive, and they are made of various materials. They are very strong and sturdy, though not aesthetically pleasing to most individuals. They have different from your teeth and can be easily noticed. It can withstand heavy chewing forces, therefore very suitable for molar teeth. Amalgam is good for areas that are difficult to keep dry, such as the gumline. It also has no allergic reaction.

  • Gold Fillings

Gold fillings are made in the laboratory after an impression of your teeth has been taken. It requires more than one appointment with your dentist. You will visit your dentist for them to be cemented to your teeth. Gold fillings are strong, durable, and relatively expensive.

  • Composite resin

Composite resins match the color of your teeth, therefore they can be placed on the front part of your teeth as they cannot be easily noticed. However, they are not suitable for large cavities as they are less durable than amalgam and can therefore chip off easily. Everything that has pros has cons, the drawback with this type of filling is that they are easily stained from food or tobacco products. They are also relatively expensive compared to amalgam fillings.

  • Porcelain Fillings

It is a type of indirect filling that requires more than one visit to the dentist. They are very similar to gold fillings. Porcelain fillings are also expensive, like gold, but it defers as porcelain is more fragile and looks like your natural teeth. With porcelain fillings, your teeth will look natural, and you will have a natural, healthier smile and appearance.

What happens when you get a dental filling?

The procedure is so simple, and it is done in a dental office. When getting dental fillings, your tooth-filling dentist will numb the area to be filled with local anesthesia. Then they will use a drill to cut through the enamel and remove the decay. As the drill hits the dentin, the dentist reduces the speed as the dentin is made up of soft tissues. The space is then shaped to prepare for the filing, and a liner or a base might be put to protect your tooth pulp. A special light hardens some composite fillings.

How can you take care of dental fillings?

Just like any dental appliance, dental fillings need to be taken good care of for them to last for a long time. Your Pomona dentist will advise you to take care of your fillings by doing the following:

  • Brush and floss at least twice a day using a fluoride toothpaste
  • Avoid intake of sugary or sticky foods and opt for healthier ones.
  • Rinse your mouth with an alcohol-free mouth rinse to reduce bacteria.
  • Avoid the use of tobacco products
  • Limit the intake of beverages that can stain your teeth, such as tea, coffee, or alcohol. When you use them, rinse your mouth with water immediately.
  • Avoid intake of acidic drinks like soda and juices, instead, opt for water.
  • Avoid chewing ice or hard foods
  • Adhering to regular dental check-ups and cleanings.

If you are still confused about the dental filling procedure, call us now to book an appointment with our dentist near you. If you are residing in nearby communities like Chino Hills, Rolling Ridge, Pomona, Narod, and Chino Avenue, you can also visit our dentist for a consultation.

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