A dental bridge is a dental restoration held in place by natural abutment teeth on each side of the gap. The abutment teeth are the natural teeth with crowns to support the false teeth. Although false teeth can be made from materials like metal, they are commonly made from porcelain to look like natural teeth. Bridges work by filling the gap left by a tooth.
The major causes of missing teeth are cavities, tooth decay, or injury. Also, some people are born with missing teeth due to congenital conditions. If you have missing teeth, visit us to get affordable dental bridges. We make sure you leave our offices with a confident smile.
When getting dental bridges at Ramona Dentistry of Chino, you’ll need to make appointments for the procedure to be complete.
The main types of dental bridges include:
It is used when one of the natural abutment teeth is on both sides of the gap. The pontic(false teeth) are held in place by crowns cemented on either side of the abutment teeth. To prepare the crown, our cosmetic dentist at 91710 will remove enamel from the adjacent teeth. Traditional bridges are made of metal, porcelain, or ceramics.
It is used when your natural teeth are on one side of the missing teeth. The crown cemented on one abutment tooth helps hold the false tooth in place. The cantilever bridge is used to hold the bridge in position.
This bridge uses dental implants to hold it into place. An implant is surgically placed on each missing tooth into the jaw. If one implant of the missing tooth is impossible, a false tooth is suspended between two implant-supported crowns. It is the strongest and most stable type of dental implant.
Implant-supported bridges require two surgeries to complete. The first involves embedding the implants in the jawbone. The second surgery is placing the bridge in its position. It takes several months for the implant procedure to be complete.
Many factors affect the price of dental bridges. It depends on the following:
Having dental bridges will bring you several health benefits. Such as:
After losing a tooth, you feel pain, and it becomes difficult eating food. Pain is caused by the shifting of the surrounding teeth towards the open space. Also, gum damage can be caused by food particles moving into the empty socket where your tooth was. A dental bridge treatment will be the best solution to alleviate pain permanently while eating.
You feel more confident after getting a dental bridge. If you have been worrying about your missing tooth or teeth, worry no more because dental bridges will close those gaps. As a result, your strong, healthy, and beautiful smile will be restored.
When one loses many teeth, it becomes difficult to pronounce some words. This is because your teeth play a major role in how you speak. You’ll have to get treatment for the lost tooth to fix the speaking issue. Dental bridges will resolve the problems caused by tooth loss, like speaking.
Jaw bone starts to deteriorate when you lose your tooth. This leads to facial collapse, which will affect your face.
Filling a gap with an artificial tooth will help prevent your other teeth from shifting into the space.
An average adult has three or more missing or decayed teeth. If you are one, your dentist will advise on the right replacement to boost your smile. One of the most common options is dental bridges. Are you looking to get tooth bridges near Chino Hills, CA? Call us now or book your appointment with Ramona Dentistry of Chino to get dental bridges in Chino, CA!