5 Foods Your Dentist BEGS You to Avoid
May 10, 2017
While we all enjoy junk food or things that aren’t good for us there are certain foods our dentists would like us to avoid more than others. These are 5 of those foods:
- Foods High in Sugars: Sugary foods start a food frenzy of sorts in your mouth. Excessive amounts of sugar can cause tooth decay. However, that doesn’t stop the average Canadian, for example, from consuming more than 40kg of sugar per year for the average person. Almost every food we eat has some form of sugar in it but avoiding the foods highest in sugar on most occasions can help at least keep the amount of sugar we ingest a little more reasonable than it would be if we just ate anything freely. Be aware of what you are eating and try to avoid foods with added extra sugar when possible.
- Stickiest Foods: Avoid foods that are stickier in nature when possible. These foods also coincidentally seem to be quite high in sugar in most cases. These foods also stick to your teeth longer and allow the sugars within them to decay your teeth more rapidly than when foods don’t stick to your teeth. Try to eat sticky foods before you are going to eat something else to allow the latter to wash the stickiness away so the food doesn’t stick to your teeth and cause further decay of your teeth.
- Highly Acidic Foods: Any food or drink high in acid should be consumed in moderation. This includes foods like citrus fruits, pickles, fruit juices, red wine, or pop. Over time these foods and drinks chew away at your tooth enamel and can leave your actual tooth susceptible to decay and rot as well as cavities. After eating/drinking something acidic just drink some water or chew sugarless gum to help rinse your mouth out and not let het acid stay there too long.
- Foods Low in Nutritional Values: Most foods low in nutritional values are high in sugars and other unhealthy things that are likely to not help your oral health. The occasional treat is fine and probably unlikely to harm your teeth, however oral health included like the rest of your body make most food choices you eat something nutritious when possible.
- Supersized Foods: These foods can actually injure your jaws. Foods so unnaturally huge or large that you can hardly bite around them can cause strain to the muscles in the jaw just trying to get them in your mouth. This includes huge, thick sandwiches or the like. This is called temporomandibular joint dysfunction when the jaw is temporarily disabled due to being stretched too far. Enjoy such foods by dismantling before eating.
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The Ramona Dentistry Team
“Where Family Comes First”